In your β€œTHIS should be a podcast” era?

Sounds like you’re in the right place πŸ™Œ

Podcasting is an intimate way to reach fellow human beings.

Whether you wanna nurture potential clients, share your creative ideas, or simply entertain, you probably care *a lot* about your listeners and how they experience your podcast. I get it – you want them to stick around πŸ‘

After making 100+ episodes of my own,

I found myself drawn to the craft, collaboration, and fun (!) of supporting others with their podcasts.

If you’d like help launching your podcast, mapping out your first season of episodes, strategizing through a podcast conundrum – or if you just wanna hand off editing to someone else – I’d love to volunteer as tribute πŸ˜‰

My podcasts

Totally Appropriate

A gossip podcast about the weird, funny, and *totally appropriate* things we do when we're thrown into a workplace with fellow human beings.

Building Balance

A podcast for small business owners who want be intentionally productive and experience more balance between business and life – even if it’s just you in your business.